馬の蹄鉄は幸運のお守りって知ってた?    ~A horse 's horseshoe is a lucky charm. ~


I have horseshoe motifs and accessories, but why is a horseshoe taken as a lucky charm?





Since ancient times, we have made horsesho a charm of good luck in Europe.



In the western European city of the 17th century, old hoof rackets are decorated at the entrance of many houses and have always been worshiped as a symbol of good fortune.



It seems to be because there is a meaning "to catch fortune with U shape". Or "It is said that" a horseshopped horse gathers fortune "and so on.




In Italy, it is said that villagers corrected horseshoes of powerful person's horseshoe and rented them to earn income, and horseshoes seems to be a fortunate item to earn income.



Therefore, when decorating or picking up a horseshoe at the entrance, it is said that home trips will rise and it has been considered a charm. It seems that horses were thought of as labor and wealth.



Although there are various opinions depending on the country and region, it is said that the fortune roles into the U shape which is open on top, it will accept and satisfy happiness in the dent.



It is said that you will not let the happiness accumulated in the dent be escaped if you decorate with the open one facing downward. There is also the theory that having both ends down has the meaning of devil.






Thank you again next time. Good luck!